Late summer CSA treats

Late summer CSA treats by petitegourmande
Late summer CSA treats, a photo by petitegourmande on Flickr.

Among the tons of gorgeous flowers, berries, apples, and produce we got through our CSA this week, we ended up with 10 lbs of eating tomatoes, 7 pints of plum tomatoes, and 2 pints of cherry tomatoes. Deliciously insane… time to put up jars of tomato paste and sauce!

Christmas in July

perniky by petitegourmande
perniky, a photo by petitegourmande on Flickr.

For some reason, I am feeling really restless lately. I am tired of the sun, heat, construction everywhere, my job, the long slog towards my Gastronomy MLA (enjoyable as school is most of the time, all things considering)… I obviously need a change of pace. I think the onset of autumn will do it, but for now, I am obsessing about Christmas. After enjoying it during our marvellous (as Roald Dahl would say) 2011 in the UK, I think we’re going to make sticky toffee pudding a household Christmas tradition. I may need to test some recipes before then…